Educational, Active, Fun... Skills for Life!
Phone: 0421 631 624
Learn to Swim & Coaching services for all ages
Newsletter - JUNE - 2021
The word in the water...
Read below to find out more about the following:
Term 3 2021
Price Changes
Practise make perfect
Swim Dynamics are looking for amazing people to join our team & help us teach fun, active, skills for life to kids & adults of all ages.
If you've ever thought about making a change or learning a new skills or perhaps you know someone that would be great, we'd lov e to hear from you.
You get to work in the water with faces like these!
Term 3 2021
Can you believe we are already half way through 2021 already? Like always the year is flying past and we are ready to take enrolments for TERM 3. You can enrol now online to reserve your spot. Classes will resume Monday 19th June. Remember early registrations mean we shape our class schedule around your needs which is particularly helpful to those with multiple kids swimming or families with very restricted schedules.
Once again our classes will be held at both Casuraina and Nightcliff Pools, after school and all weekend.
So please click the link below to enrol and let us know you class pool & day preference.
Swim Lesson Price Change
We have worked hard to keep our prices from incresing over the years, in fact our prices have been the same for the last 4 years! Unfortunately with the 25% increase in pool entry fees from the 1st Jul 2021 and wage increases over the years, we have had to make a change and increase our term fees.
For new customers our term 3 fees will be $190 per term. The good news is that as our loyal customers this change won't come into affect until term 4 so you will still be invoiced at the 2017 price of $175 if you enrol in term 3.
Multi-student discounts will still apply.
We all know that practice is important in helping both children and adults to correctly develop new skills. Specifically when we talk about practice we mean deliberate practice. If we are simply repeating a task this is just repetition not deliberate practice. Good deliberate practice should involve clearly defined, “achievable” goals which are either just out of reach or require constant focus to achieve at the moment. Good instructors use a mix of direct teaching, structure and repetition to create deliberate practice. This regular guided practice is critical for most skills whether it is a person, text book or program that provides the structure. Time to experiment and “play” with the skills as we develop them is also of great value.
When we play the difficulty and challenge in achieving the goal we have set for ourselves (or our friends have) is part of the reward. Play based practice can be an awesome addition to the structured lessons that we undertake as “play” and “games” usually have a goal or rules involved set by the person playing about what they want to achieve. The play based practice can work really well alongside structured lessons as the structured classes work to teach students which skills are important and which challenges are worthy of overcoming
So to get the most out of your swimming lessons try to make time to "play" at a separtae time and you will be amazed at the difference it can make. It's also a great family bonding opportunity too!